Thank you for being honest, open & vulnerable. Your strength is a beautiful example for us all. Continue to take up space, Key. 💜

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Thanks for reading and thanks for the encouragement❤️

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This is so, so good! It hits home. Lots of gems but this quote stuck with me: “The main reason they [those closest to you] don’t support it [growth] is because you’re killing off the person they love. You’re changing who you are, and they’re comfortable with who you are, and they feel that their reality too is caught up in who you are being, so when you decide to change, you’re killing off their buddy, and you’re screwing up their reality because you fit into theirs.” - Jen Sincero, Author

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🙌🏾Yes! Thank you for reading!

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Nov 1, 2023·edited Nov 1, 2023Liked by Key Ocho

Key...thank you for this. When I saw the quote at the start, I knew I had heard it before. I went to the NOTES in my phone and I had written it down on Sept 30th! Such a powerful reminder to us all! I really enjoyed listening as I read along (your voice is so soothing), and I closed my eyes when I got to the affirmation part. Powerful! Your family lens resonates so much with me, and I could really HEAR you...thank you for being vulnerable and sharing.

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Thanks for reading and listening Benivia!❤️ Such a powerful quote that has stuck with me! I'm glad you found this supportive and I hope this affirmed that you're not alone!

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This is beautiful 💓 thank you for sharing!

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Thanks for reading/listening Dalia!❤️

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Going through similar trials with my family. It is something I have struggled with and it was nice to hear your story and your take on it.

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Thanks for reading/listening Kristi! Wishing you peace and clarity as you navigate your family dynamics.

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